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Jaeheon Kim

Web Developer

I'm a web developer who is passionate about creating simple minimalistic user-friendly websites. Some technologies I enjoy working with include ReactJS, Tailwind, PostgreSQL, nodeJS. I'm curretly focusing on building projects for that is accesible for everyone. My personal interest is in walkable cities, minimalism, filmmaking, running.

I had worked for Republic of Korea Air Force as a Master Sergeant for 7 years, but always yearned for more. Becoming a husband to a beatiful wife made me grow a big heart, and pushed me to challenge myself, resulting in my switching over to the tech industry.

I have a passion for creating accessible and user-friendly websites. My process starts with a thorough understanding of the project requirements, target audience, and business objectives. Then, I create a wireframe and mockup that outlines the site's structure, layout, and user flow. and then, I use my coding skills to bring the site to life, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies as needed.

profile photo in air force
Jaeheon soldering
Maleea and Jae in a forest
Jaeheon with a camera sitting in a rock

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

- Leonardo da Vinci

On the side:

YouTube Channel

In 2018, my girlfriend(my wife now!) and I started a YouTube channel  called "Maleea and Jae", and we have been consistently uploading content ever since. This experience has allowed me to learn video editing and videography by watching online tutorials, which has improved my content creation skills.

As a co-creator of a successful YouTube channel with over 52,000 subscribers, I am responsible for managing all aspects of video production, including filming and editing all content and creating attractive thumbnails to increase viewer engagement.

Maleea and Jae with plants on a porch

On the side:


Walking is one of my favorite hobby. in fact, I loved it so much that we decided to move to Chicago and even sold our car since I didn't really need it anymore.

It's a great way to stay active and healthy. But beyond the physical benefits, I also love walking beacause it allows me to explore my city in a way that I never could when I was driving. I feel like I'm doing my part to contribute to a more sustainable and livable city by choosing to walk instead of drive whenever possible.

a book, Walkable City

On the side:


Did you know South Korea is covered by mountains by 70%? It's a great country to go hiking with beautiful four seasons.

I make sure to hit the trails at least once a month, with a car-sharing service, Zipcar and a delicious stash of trail mix as my trusty sidekicks.

Maleea and Jae in Red River Gorge

On the side:

Playing video games

As an avid gamer, I'm always on the lookout for new titles that offer engaging gameplay and interesting storylines. While I enjoy many different types of games.

I'm also a discerning critic who appreiciate effort and creativity that goes into making games. I also appreciate games that offer unique or innovative mechanics, and that push the boundaries of what's possible within the medium.

a picture of PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch